Our not-so-old Chinese friend is coming down to Nelligen again. We always offer him our guest cottage to stay in but Tong prefers to be a bit more 'up-market'. While on past occasions he's been slumming it in Room 101 of the Esplanade in Batemans Bay, we're trying to convince him that a stay in the country is even better.
And how much better can it get than staying in Nelligen with a Chinese host? Wendy - that's the Chinese host although I bet she also has a more Chinese-sounding name - along Runnyford Road offers accommodation for couples as well as a beautifully fitted-out luxury caravan. The views from both these accommodation choices are something to die for (in which case the cemetery located directly across the road may also come in handy).
As Wendy explains, "澳大利亚新南威尔士洲(简称新洲)南海岸地区 - South Coast NSW - 地理位置在澳大利亚著名城市 - 悉尼的南部,与澳大利亚三大城市:悉尼,墨尔本和首都堪培拉三角形相接,距首都堪培拉1.5小时车程,距悉尼3.5小时车程,距墨尔本6.5小时车程。美丽的新洲南海岸地理位置独特,她在澳大利亚东海岸线上的南端,把新南威尔士洲和维多利亚洲独特的海岸线风光上下连接贯穿一体,把澳大利亚海岸线上的森林风光与内陆的牧场景色和谐地交绘整合了起来。如此绝妙的地理位置和极具代表性的风景环境,无论是天造还是人为,新洲南海岸都不愧为澳大利亚自然风光的荟萃地,是来澳度假观光的必到之地。
新洲南海岸地区属于海洋性气候,一年四季气候温和,湿度适中,阳光充足,天蓝草绿。夏天,海洋性季风由东徐徐而来,很少有闷热低压潮湿的天气。 冬天,阳光明媚,日照充足,温暖如春,没有寒风酷雪,夜间最低温度也在冰点以上。春秋,风和日丽,雨水适中,出门只见绿地不见风沙。而且南海岸地区的森林覆盖率也是澳洲最高的,国家级自然保护公园比比皆是,利于长寿健康的负氧离子丰富,堪称天然氧吧。如果说澳大利亚沿海地区的气候环境很适宜人类居住的话,那么新洲南海岸地区无疑是澳洲本地居民梦想的退休天堂和理想的休养度假地。"
What more can I say?
P.S. The end of a dream: Wendy's B&B was one of a dozen houses in the Nelligen area that burnt down during the New Year's Eve bushfires in 2019: